Posts Tagged ‘blog’


CristianoRonaldoTellAll blog 10Years

November 15, 2016


It has been almost 10 years since i started this blog! Now soon on 02/17 it is 10 years exactly since the first post! 

I have had a pleasure of linking and writing stories about the king #CR7 in my blog / FB / IG.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a great and inspiring human being who inspired millions of people ! He is truly an athlete to look up to ! 

May your journey still continue for a veeeery long time ! 

– Martin 

Facebook: CristianoRonaldoTellAll

Instagram: CristianoRonaldoTellAll


— FACEBOOK CHANNEL: Cristiano Ronaldo tell all <<<

April 2, 2016

Go check the facebook channel: Cristiano Ronaldo tell all <<<<<

and like!

Hala madrid !
